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The Road Trip, Part 3
You guys! It feels like it’s been ages since I wrote a personal post and updated you on what’s actually going on in my life. HELLO LOVELY!!
So, to really get caught up- we’re going to have to resume the update after my whirlwind time conference hopping in November! I wrote a bit about how I was recommitting to the trip and then seriously, 2 weeks later, I decided I needed a break from living out of Stella (our lovely car/home). Not happy! Not having fun! Missing quiet time to work! The final decision came in Florida after a miserable night of being eaten alive by invisible bugs and getting zero sleep and then having to take a cold shower.
I know it doesn’t sound completely tragic, but I was done.
The Big Man wasn’t done however… With employees helping him keep his business running, he had found a better balance between traveling/playing/working than I had managed, and was having a blast on the trip! So, although the trip was partly a “honeymoon”, we decided when we flew home to Index (1.5 hours outside of Seattle) for the holidays, I would just stay until I felt caught up and ready to rejoin him.
Why Index? We don’t have a place in Seattle anymore, so it’s the only real home base we have right now!
Going Home
We had some magical snow and family time in the cabin, and then on January 12th, the Big Man flew back to Miami to rescue Stella from the slightly sketchy garage and head West. I flew off the next day to Big Sky to visit my parents and go skiing. And then I cozied up in the Index cabin, launched the Season 4 Bloggers, started new coaching groups, got creative with my personal theme and goddess book, began working with 5 new one-on-one clients, and made some substantial progress on my new journaling program. (Joy Juice! Coming soonish!)
I also drank green smoothies every morning, meditated, and caught up with my pals and sister in Seattle over dinner parties, coffee dates, and hikes.
Did I get lonely without my husband in a cabin in the middle of nowhere? Yes.
Did I feel like I got a handle on my business, my plans for 2011, sober January, and my friendships? Yes.
Back on the Road
So where am I now? Well, at this exact moment, I’m typing this from our Best Man’s pool cabana in San Diego! I flew down on Thursday to meet the Big Man and Stella and continue the West Coast portion of our trip. It’s been gorgeous here. I’ve eaten a million fish tacos, caught up with another sorority sister and her family (Hi Ang!), met all sorts of adorable kids, and cruised Pacific, Ocean, Solana, and Del Mar Beach.
Also, I absolutely love conducing coaching calls poolside. Win.
What’s next? After being on the road for 3 months, I was “home” a bit over a month and a half, and now it’s looking like we’ve got another month ahead of us! And then what? Honestly, I have no idea. With the flexibility we’ve both built for ourselves (hello location independence!) we could go anywhere…
Do YOU Live on the West Coast? I’m super looking forward to meet-ups in Los Angeles (probably this Thursday!), the Bay Area, and Portland in the next month. Sorting out details now, but if you’d like to be on the invite list- just shoot me an email (molly (@) stratejoy (.) com) with your phone number so I can text out the plan!
And now…. The Photo Update you’ve been waiting for!
Portsmouth, New Hampshire. A favorite place, for sure.
I’m a stationary whore. Letterpress shops are my heaven.
As Fisherman and Geisha, we spent Halloween in Salem, Massachusetts in the middle of the madness.
Eating a block of Tea from 1773 (?) on our walking tour of Boston.
You know where… Obligatory White House Photo Op!
On the water, just outside of Charleston. And look! Short sleeves!
Long Key State Park in the Florida Keys. This is the Big Man’s version of heaven… Killer campsite, eh?
Good thing we like Long Key…. Got stuck there for 3 more days while Stella went to the “hospital”.
South Beach! Sunshine! Art Deco everywhere! Men who still catcall!
From the beach to our cabin in Index. Shock to the system for sure!
Walking to the Post Office to mail Joy Equation Workbooks! One of the exciting moments in my day… 🙂
Chilling in Pacific Beach with my honey on Friday. And yes, a month was a long time to be apart!
Sunset at Solana Beach. Love me some West Coast.
p.s. I’m putting together a hand-picked Get It Off the Ground Group for Tuesday evenings (maybe 7 pm PST), starting in a month. If you’re interested in applying – I’m doing intake calls this week and next. I want the right group- really motivated, positive women. You? Get in touch.
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