Best of Best
How Fighting For Your Dreams Actually Makes Them Come True
I was at a networking event in Seattle back in 2009, nervously peddling my “lifestyle design” workshop and my “conquering your quarterlife crisis” blog. Pretty damn broke, working for my boyfriend’s email marketing business part-time, and going through some bumpy times in my relationship —
I was feeling a bit like an impostor.
How to Have Faith in Yourself After Failure
How do you keep faith in yourself and your dreams? What do you do when shit hits the fan? When your well laid plans explode in your face? When you don’t hit the mark, make your goal, meet your deadline or manifest your desire? What do you do when you feel like you are failing?…
Read MoreSelf Care vs Self Comfort: What do you really need?
When “self-care” turns into nights spent curled on the couch with cupcakes watching entire seasons of old shows, you may be walking a fine line. When the delicious solo glass of wine on the porch turns into the bottle and late night ex-texting, you’ve thrown your care under the bus. When rewarding yourself with a shopping trip becomes the only way to lift your spirits, your pampering is becoming dangerous.
When caring for yourself turns into distracting or numbing or avoiding, it’s time to pause. It’s time to check in with yourself — what are you really craving in those moments?
Read More9 Unusual Ways to Practice Gratitude
While watching Brené Brown on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday this weekend, I was reminded of the remarkable link between joy and gratitude.
In her book The Gifts of Imperfection she writes, “Without exception, every person I interviewed who described living a joyful life or who described themselves as joyful, actively practiced gratitude and attributed their joyfulness to their gratitude practice. And both joy and gratitude were described as spiritual practices that were bound to a belief in human interconnectedness and a power greater than us.”
Read MoreWe Are Never Done and That's a Beautiful Thing
I used to find myself dreamily thinking about being “done” with some project or period in my life and then — finally, finally — having space and time for all the other things I wanted to be doing.
Sometimes it wasn’t dreamy thinking, it was urgent.
Desperate, even.
Read MoreHow Courage Can Help You Face Your Fears
Dear Courageous One,
I know you have a secret dream, something bigger and bolder, something more precious, than you are attempting in your life right now.
Maybe it means making a huge change — a move, a relationship, a journey, an exodus from your social circle. Maybe it means allowing your creative soul — the writer, painter, chef, photographer, teacher — to blossom, to share her take on the world with those desperate for a slice of beauty. Maybe it means sticking up for yourself, forgiving yourself, loving yourself with such purity that the ideas scares you off before you even begin.
What are you afraid of my love?
Are you scared that you will fail?
Read MoreLearn to Trust the Unknown and Why It’s Okay to “Wait and See”
“I’ll just wait and see… This is a phrase I’ve found myself uttering more times than I can count over the last few months. This is also a phrase, before finding out I was pregnant, that I’m not sure I’ve ever uttered. I don’t particularly like to wait and see. I touch base with my desires, down my twin shots of enthusiasm and energy, and dive headfirst into new plans. I make things happen; I don’t wait and see…
Read MoreFinding Your Life Balance Between Badass and Compassion
When I’m being kind to myself, I’m finding the balance between accepting what is present in my life AND respecting myself by using my talents and purpose at the highest level. My kindness is both a bear hug and a smack on the butt…
Read MoreHow to Conduct a Personal Quarterly Review
Remember back in January when you were set those big 2012 goals? You know the ones; how you wanted to run a marathon, start your Etsy shop, do more things for yourself… How’s progress, sweetness?
Read More12 Rules of Inner Confidence
WANT TO RULE YOUR WORLD? Life gets easier when you genuinely feel an inner confidence. Not cocky self-absorption or a fake-it-til-you-make-it attitude, but true comfort in your skin, radiant openness with others, and an understanding of your uniqueness. You are amazing, babe! It’s time for you to own it. Read on for the 12 Rules of Inner Confidence.
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