When you are lit up by life, connected to women who love your hot mess and your big ambition, and inspired to bring joy, laughter and meaning to your everyday —

You Are Truly Alive

Let’s practice, shall we?

Set aside your reality for four nights and dive into the outdoors, bouts of belly laughing, protected solitude, rediscovering your ability to play, magical rituals, connection to other beautiful humans, and deep conversation about your life without pretense or judgement. There's no dishes to wash, no commute to make, no meals to prepare, no phones to scroll, no pressure to be productive.

You’ll leave camp reminded of the simple pleasures in life and reconnected to your heart. You’ll leave camp with soul sisters and stories you’ll be telling for a lifetime. You’ll leave camp with newfound confidence to take risks and a true connection to your joyful, honest, and refreshed  "Camp Self" that you can unleash on the world.

Stratejoy Summer Camp in Michigan

August 27 - 31, 2025


Hey! I’m Molly and hosting this Summer Camp is one of my lifelong dreams.

This "Summer Camp for Grown Ass Women" is my chance to dig in deep with you IRL, while sharing my love of the great outdoors, laughing uncontrollably, and taking our dreams seriously but not taking ourselves seriously. I cannot wait to jump in the lake with you, to talk about dreams/fears/ambition/ease, to dance our booties off, to push our comfort zones getting vulnerable, and to practice being silent, whole, cherished and present.

Let's take a break from real life, together.

Sounds needed? I understand completely. Grab a ticket and I’ll see you in August.

Stratejoy Summer Camp

Wednesday August 27 - Sunday August 31, 2025

Decatur, Michigan at Camp Lake in the Woods

· 4 days + 4 nights of playful + honest sisterhood set on a lakefront in Michigan.
· 110 Campers/Counselors + Team Stratejoy + Molly = Awesome.
· This isn’t a conference in the woods. It’s an interactive playground. Camp is for YOU, about YOU, and co-created by YOU.
· Check in between 2 pm + 4 pm on Wednesday and check out by 11 am on Sunday.

Camp is equal parts rejuvenating personal retreat + summer camp for adults + intimate gathering of the Stratejoy Sisterhood

It all adds up to 4 nights of magic!



with 8 month payment plans available through November

Your ticket to Stratejoy Summer Camp  includes everything you’ll need for 4 nights and 4 days of inspiration, fun, and connection. Get yourself to Camp and we’ll take over!

What’s Covered?

· Shared Cabin accommodations including indoor bathrooms, bed linens and towels for four nights.
· All meals, snacks, beverages and alcohol from Wednesday dinner through Sunday breakfast.
· All Camp activities — Stratejoy sessions with Molly, waterfront, trampball, archery, yoga/dance/meditation classes + evening magic.
· Surprises! And that’s all I can say about that.

why Camp?

Need to recharge from the daily grind and the stress of living in the real world?

Immerse yourself in nature, yoga, meditation, Stratejoy sessions with Molly, afternoon naps in the sunshine, special rituals and silent journaling time. You’ll be un-plugged and chore-free.


Need to remind yourself that life can be joyful, playful and fun? And not so damn hard?

Get ready for lake time, a high ropes course, bonfire sing-alongs, camp names, dance parties, arts and crafts, daily cocktail hour and all camp games.


Need to reconnect to yourself and to other positive women?

There will be honest conversations about everything under the sun, bunk camaraderie, and new friendships born from this shared experience. And of course there will be plenty of opportunity to commune with your own sweet self.

do you belong at Camp?

You know that look of pure joy on a kid’s face when they jump in a mud puddle? Or the expression of delight when they eat an ice cream cone covered in sprinkles on a hot summer day? Or the intense curiosity reflected in their eyes when they study a spider web covered in dew? Or the way their chest puffs up with pride when they hit a softball off a tee for the first time?

Of course you do.

It’s a magical combination of being completely enamored with the world they occupy, pure presence in the moment, and an unselfconsciousness to enjoy it all.

I want more of that joy for you. More of that delight. More of that curiosity. More of that pride.

And I’m going to do my best to give you those gifts at camp.


It’s hard to practice being present to the small details and tiny joys of life when you are entrenched in your packed schedule, stressed out by your work, or simply overwhelmed by the demand of your identity as daughter, partner, mama, friend. Joy takes a backseat.

When your “to do list” is a mile long it’s tough to take the time to watch the sunset, learn a line dance, twirl sparklers, tell stories about the constellations, or sit in silence as the sun warms your face. Delight takes a backseat.

When you are constantly trying to live up to expectations, make it happen, or push harder, it’s difficult to distinguish your true desires for your life. When you are rushing through your day, it’s hard to remember what truly makes you happy moment-to-moment. Curiosity takes a backseat.

When your life no longer feels like yours, it’s tough to make time to figure out how you can move forward deliberately, on your own terms, with loving intention and delicious self-care. Pride takes a backseat.

Time to get in the driver’s seat! Camp is a gift of joy, delight, curiosity, and pride in an adult life that can be full of the opposite.


Camp was the perfect mix of adventure and rejuvenation this summer! Instead of checking my phone the moment my alarm went off, I opened my eyes to graffitied bunks and heard cicadas and rain on the tin roof cabins.

I took a huge leap of faith and went alone, but I left with a community of incredible and beautiful soul sisters!


Last summer included all of the goodness from summer camp as a child but also…

Champagne and wine, adult conversations that inspire, quiet time you actually savor (now that you’re an adult), camp songs that include your favorite jam and surprisingly good food! 


From staring at the sky and seeing the Milky Way for the first time, to being overwhelmed with love while listening to the beautiful singing voices of my sisters – camp contained more moments of magic than I can count.

The combination of sisterhood, nature, authenticity and fun creates a space for deep connection with other women and yourself.

so friend – is Camp for you?

Well, if you’re brave enough to pause your “real life” for 4 nights while you remind yourself who you are at your core —

Camp is for you.

If you’re optimistic enough to throw yourself into new adventures with a grin on your face —

Camp is for you.

If you’re soulful enough to realize that productivity isn’t the only measure of a well-lived life —

Camp is for you.

If you’re wild enough to think meeting dozens of other incredible women while climbing a rock wall, or toasting s’mores, or doing yoga on a lawn, or sharing honest stories of love/money/sex/business/parenting, or playing trampoline volleyball, or meditating on a dock, or taking one for your team in the egg smash, or drinking bubbly while wearing tank tops, friendship bracelets, sneakers and glitter actually sounds fun —

Camp is for you.

And if that list scares the hell out of you,

but you’ve got a nagging feeling that you kinda sorta might possibly have that gutsy, optimistic, soulful, wild woman hiding deep down inside of you —

Camp is the perfect chance to discover her.

To discover you.


The most powerful moment for me at camp was realizing that this is a safe space for me to be myself in whatever form that takes on any given day.

From Molly to the counselors to the other campers, this is a group of people who are committed to witnessing and encouraging each other through fun and challenging times.

And I’ll definitely be back.


Stratejoy Summer Camp was the perfect escape! I loved summer camp as a kid, and this took me straight back to those sleep-away camp days – but with Happy Hour! 

I found equal parts community and solitude. There are so many words that come to mind when I think of camp: safe place, community, peace, laughter, fun, magic, cleansing, soul work, freedom… I can’t wait for the next one.


Summer camp was everything I thought it would be, and more.

Amazingly delicious food, crappy coffee, comforting cabinmates, uncomfortable beds. Early morning yoga, late nights, too much wine and not enough time. It was all painfully beautiful, exciting, and life-changing.

I don’t regret a penny of it. If you want to go, go! It doesn’t matter if no one else understands. We do.

Summer Camp FAQ

Read on for my very detailed, slightly humorous, and totally honest best attempt to answer every single question you may have about Camp. Please read ALL of these questions so you understand what you're getting yourself into! I’m leaving no stone unturned…

Ready, Set, Go!

ssc-2019-camp-on-181 (1)

And more photos from our Michigan Location!

you can call me Sunshine

I’m a Mama, Teacher, Writer and Adventurer. Stratejoy is my home, my love, my community, my contribution. Others may know me as Molly Mahar, but at Camp — it’s Sunshine all the way.

I’m obsessed with real talk about taboo topics (sex? money? power? aging?) and designing personal experiments. I love traveling with my family + reading novels from the library + I'm always down for a naked adventure. I've been sober for 2 years + working on it for much longer.

I believe in going big, that honesty is the best policy, and in the undeniable fact that we are all deserving of fulfilling right-fit lives. I believe in the power of Joy + the freedom that comes from really knowing ourselves.

Most of all, I believe in YOU.

As many of you know, the whole "Camp getting cancelled two times during the pandemic, financial hit of refunds, and anxiety/stress of hardcore testing in 2022" wore me out + I thought Camp was done for. I suppose the lesson is never say never because after my sabbatical + few years summers camp-free -- I'm am SO READY TO GO BACK!

I cannot wait to gather with the Golden Thread (new + old!) for love, hugs + sisterhood. I'm deeply craving a week off of adulting so I can reclaim my joyful, enthusiastic, adventurous self. I want to get dance to old school pop songs, make new friends, eat s’mores, chill the f out, wake up to the smell of grass + dirt, and play like it’s my job.

My heart needs it + I imagine yours does too.


At Camp, we get to be ourselves.


With the added bonus of cocktail hour and yoga. Woo woo magic and journaling time. Deep conversation and likeminded women.

Sound like something you’re craving too? Then I’ll meet you in Michigan. This is my sixth year hosting Stratejoy Summer Camp since 2015 and I couldn’t be more happier to be back + to make so many new friends. And if you peek at this post on my personal FB page, you'll see the feeling is mutual!


Summer Camp was everything I was wanted and more. It was five days of running around in the woods, laughing, playing, swimming, sharing, and connecting with dozens of new sisters.

I’ve never felt so seen, heard, and held by other women before in my life. I’m counting down the days until I go back.


Who would have ever thought I could conquer a high ropes course, dance in shiny blue leggings to 80s music, and stand in front of 75 women and share my authentic self all at camp?

I can honestly say, from the bottom of my heart, attending camp has changed my overall attitude – which has changed my life. 


Camp taught me that I am not alone and that I need the support of others to really be happy.

Hearing so many wonderful women share their stories and sharing my own made me see how freeing and wonderful it feels to have a trusted sisterhood where I feel safe being vulnerable and open. 



with 8 month payment plans available through November

Your ticket to Stratejoy Summer Camp  includes everything you’ll need for 4 nights and 4 days of inspiration, fun, and connection. Get yourself to Camp and we’ll take over!

What’s Covered?

· Shared Cabin accommodations including indoor bathrooms, bed linens and towels for four nights.
· All meals, snacks, beverages and alcohol from Wednesday dinner through Sunday breakfast.
· All Camp activities — Stratejoy sessions with Molly, waterfront, trampball, archery, yoga/dance/meditation classes + evening magic.
· Surprises! And that’s all I can say about that.

More Questions?

Questions about Camp, registration, payments, or missing welcome messages? First read the Registration FAQ. If you still need help, please email Team Stratejoy at hello@stratejoy.com.

Excitement about Camp and meeting IRL? Let us all know on social media with the #ssc25 and #stratejoysummercamp hashtags!

The countdown is on, friend. Ready to make this happen?

We’re going to sing, journal, dance, play, celebrate, meditate, connect, move, relax and love our hearts out.