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Photo Recap: Creating a Meaningful Life List
This weekend’s event was a complete success!
- We had a full house. Yay. 16 cool Seattlites = Sold Out Event.
- Everyone showed up, which is saying a lot considering it was 9 am on a Saturday.
- Amazingly enough, there were no spilled mimosas nor scissor injuries.
So what did we do? We brunched, brainstormed, shared big dreams & then broke out the scissors & glue sticks. I was blown away by this crafty bunch… Even those who claimed to have no artistic ability ended up creating a fab vision board or scrapbook, in addition to their big list. Seriously, I was inspired!
And yes, I’m all full of rah rah- but if you had gotten the chance to hear about the cool shit people are going to do in their lifetime, you’d be excited too.
“101 Things To Do” seemed daunting to some, so we broke it down to anything that was personally appealing. 35 Things to do before 35? 77 awesome things I want to accomplish? The Top 10 Big Dreams? The emphasis of the list was up to the creators themselves, as was the format.
Instead of me giving you the play-by-play– Why don’t you hear it from some of the kids themselves?! I teared up several times today watching these posts fly around Twitter because, honestly, these were unsolicited blogs. Muah girls!! I’m glad you took away some powerful insights from our morning together. It was an honor to be witness to the creation of such inspiring lists.
Lacey : Loving Local Food
Jennifer : It Pleases Me
Erin : Three Blind Moose
And as the title says, the rest of the morning I shall leave to…
A Rockin’ Photo Recap
You’d imagine this would end with a photo of each Life List, eh? Unfortunately, I was too enthralled by everyone’s presentation of their list to remember to take a pic. Oops. Only #fail of the day.
See you next time? I’m thinking November!
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