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Running a Business as a Work at Home Mama
I run a successful coaching practice from home. I have a two year old (Max) and a four month old (Juliet.) I have a nanny working 20-30 hours a week. I have a supportive awesome husband.
And I am totally wearing slippers and yoga pants right now.
Want to know how it all comes together?
Watch the video.
I created this video for Kate at Your Courageous Life for a book she is compiling about running a business and raising babies!
I did my best to honestly answer the questions she posed about guilt, time management, support and priorities in my own world.
As soon as she release the free book, I’ll link it up!
I wanted you to see the real deal, so I didn’t do anything differently for this video than I do in my daily routine — this is the wet hair, 2 minute make up (bb cream, mascara, and burts bees tinted chapstick) and still unpacked office that is typical of my work-at-home status. My nanny, Tawny, took the kids to the park so I could get through this without interruption (as she does often!) otherwise we might have had a surprise visit from a red-cheeked toddler with his helmet on needing a hug or a screeching hungry baby girl needing the boob.
Funny how vulnerable I feel doing video without the right lighting, make up, and full night of sleep.
But for you mamas out there, I didn’t want to pretend that things were any different then they are.
And right now, I still need to pack for our 3 week trip to Washington, coach an Elevate Mastermind Client, make dinner, figure out where my car tabs are, confirm reservations for a night at the spa with my sister and mom, and book flights to Asheville.
I’m prioritizing getting this less-than-glamourous video posted instead of worrying that you’re all going to judge me for being a bit disheveled.
Everyone’s version of “doing it all” is unique — I hope you enjoy this intimate glimpse into mine.
p.s. We are still experimenting with my hair color… I’m trying to return to my natural dark dirty blonde and I keep ending up a red head as the brunette lifts. If anyone has tips for me, please share!
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