A Stratejoy Boss Lady Savoring Mountain Views and Lit Up By Loud Laughter
Who are you, sister? Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m Lauren Caselli, aka Mama M, the organizer and behind-the-scenes lady-with-a-clipboard for Stratejoy Summer Camp. I’m an event planner, marketer, strategist, sponsor guru, and all out event-lover.
I live in Bozeman, MT and work with clients all over the world. I rarely stay put, but when I do, I like to hike, bike around town, camp, and eat my weight in fancy Japanese ramen.
Let’s do some one word answers. Ready, set, go!
Morning Drink? Chai tea latte
Indulgence? Paying for my meal and my man’s meal too #heswithme
Lusting after? A vacation.
Spirit Animal? The turtle. Live long and go slow.
Bloom of Choice? Tulips on a budget, peonies when I’m feeling flush
Turn-on? A man in the kitchen
Go-to Gemstone? Pearls
Celebrity Icon? Lena Dunham + Sheryl Sandberg
Favorite compliment? “You know EVERYBODY!”
What does practicing joy mean to you? It means choosing not to get upset when things don’t go my way. It means choosing to let things go because the universe says it’s not my turn to have it, and being completely fine with that.
Biggest life lesson you’ve learned lately? “Love is love is love is love is love is love is love” – Lin-Manuel Miranda
What’s your definition of success? Getting sleep, not HAVING to go into work when I don’t want to, and getting a vacation in every year.
Name 3 things from your Life List that light you up.
Living in my own glorious apartment with mountain views
Slow mornings
Loud laughter
What do you do when life gets messy? My life has been so thankfully unmessy recently, and I owe a lot of that to a lot of expensive therapy. But usually, I spend time alone, I read books, and I know that, just like when life is amazing and then it gets messy, it will eventually get un-messy again. The more I fight it, the slower the messy goes, so I like to try to let it happen on its own.
3 Songs, 3 Books, 3 Instagram Accounts You’re Loving?
“Can’t Stop The Feelin'” by Justin Timberlake
“Daddy Lessons” by Beyoncé
“Work from Home” by Fifth Harmony
The Big Short by Michael Lewis
Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
What is your greatest regret? That I didn’t save more aggressively and didn’t think to learn about finances earlier. I’m just realizing how easy it is to aggressively save as a young career woman, and I wish I had started learning about financial planning when I was in high school vs. in my 30s.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? This too shall pass. Both good and bad.
Word of the Year: Develop
Book That Made a Difference: Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott
Currently Obsessed: S’mores cuz #summercampfires
Can’t Live Without: 8 hours of sleep
Team Stratejoy’s very own Lauren would love to connect with you in other places online! Find her on Facebook here and here, Instagram or via her website.
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