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Full Moon Ritual (Full Moon Fever?)
I’ve been attending these amazing monthly events here in San Luis Obispo — New Moon Women’s Circles. So far, they have been a combination of yoga, intention writing, meditation, deep sharing, tea drinking, raw chocolate eating, bath salt mixing and essential oil smearing.
Total woo woo lovefests.
Exactly what I was craving when I arrived in January.
And when you move to a new town without a single friend, gatherings of women are essential in the slow, sweet process of making friends.
The purpose of these New Moon Circles are to embrace the womanly connection between the moon cycles and our bodies, and to share space as we set our intentions for the new month ahead.
Tawny, the owner of the yoga studio and our compassionate ceremony leader, says the inspiration comes from the ancient practice of women gathering in commune during their periods. Anita Diamant’s The Red Tent (read it if you haven’t — I have adored it forever!) is a beautiful novel telling the story of this ritual where women would be segregated to a “red tent” during their menstrual cycles.
Together the gathering of women would share space, tell stories, laugh and cry.
They were considered wise and magical during these times.
(Who doesn’t want to be considered wise and magical during their period? So much better than crabby and highly emotional!)
I feel lucky to have this monthly time to center, to stay inspired, to share celebrations and challenges with women whom I am just getting to know.
It’s soft and lovely and calming.
As I was gazing at the almost full moon tonight, I realized I needed a counterpoint to the New Moon of reflection. I’m pretty in touch with my calm, centered, loving spirit right now.
What I’m craving now?
Something wild. Succulent. Chest-thumping.
I need a Full Moon Ritual.
Something that is not soft nor lovely nor calming.
I need a practice that will connect me with my wild child, my wolf mama, the sexy goddess that resides in each of us.
If the New Moon is the perfect time to turn inward,
The Full Moon is a time to rock and roll, to push boundaries, to dive headfirst into the embers, the surf, the divine.
(click to tweet that saucy statement)
What do you say, gorgeous? Ready for some Full Moon Fever?
You can blame the aftermath on me, of course.
There have been times in my life when I have felt very connected with my joyful wild woman fully-expressed self — the free spirit who loves to go puddle-jumping, who has a weakness for belly laughing at inopportune moments, who stands up for what she knows is right, who swears by weekly skinny dipping, who writes poetry on the bus, who always takes the scary cemetery dares, who freely speaks her mind, and who buys bright magenta pants, leopard print coats and crazy sunglasses.
Sometimes I still feel that way, but not often enough.
I absolutely love my life at the moment, but the sweet routine of work, Big Man and Max, and exploring the Central Coast in all its hiking, wine tasting, small town glory can feel a bit staid when I compare it to backpacking around the world or living out of our car or being a free-wheeling 23 year old.
Instead of dwelling in comparison land where I romanticize my past — I am doing something about my cravings. I am giving weight to my free spirit desires.
I am dedicating one night a month to wildness, to adventure, to trying something brand new.
So Tribe, I am starting a ritual of Full Moon Fever!
It’s a night to go a bit wild, to let our hair down, to howl in the company of other live-out-loud spirits.
Who’s in?
(click to share your declaration of Full Moon Fever)
What are you going to do to let your inner crazy out? To turn up the volume? To be ridiculously playful?
What are you going to do to try something entirely brand new and nerve-racking?
I’m still brainstorming exactly what this Full Moon will hold for me, but so far my ideas are dying my hair platinum, making an artsy video and sharing it with the world, poetry busking downtown or in a park, doing the “Free Hug” sign thing, taking an aerial or ropes class, getting another tattoo, skinnydipping in the Pacific, exploring the nearby ghost town at night, or renting a convertible and driving it for hours wearing a sexy dress and huge sunglasses.
Just as I’ve marked the rest of the New Moon Circles in my calendar for the remainder of the year, I will be marking down the rest of the Full Moons for merrymaking, trouble rousing and boundary pushing.
Join me, wild one?
I would love to hear what you’re going to do on this (or the next) Full Moon!
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