Playing Small is Totally Allowed

You put a lot of pressure on yourself to conquer the next mountain, to uplevel your life, to face your fears, to be recognized (and paid! and adored!) for your greatest gifts, to achieve despite the hardships you face, to always play bigger. Sometimes that pressure is exactly what you need to push through a…

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The 21 Life Skills of The Reclaimed Woman

You are born free, wild, open, curious. Utterly yourself. Beautifully whole. Yet very few of us keep that wholeness as we pass through the journey of our lives. You learn how to please for safety or validation. You learn how to perform for inclusion or gold stars. You learn how to harden yourself to others’…

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Meeting Yourself Where You Are aka Surrender

You’ve done it. I’ve done it. We’ve all done it… Kicked + screamed + flatout ignored that change was underway or that desperation was creeping in or that love was being ignited. You weren’t ready or able or in the mood for something you couldn’t control. Yet, denying change pretty much guarantees it’s going to…

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An Empathetic Introvert Beautifully Combining Self-Love and Self-Improvement

I have learned (and am still learning) that sometimes the very things that you believe to be the “worst” parts of you are those facets that become what you love most. I have always been a sensitive dreamer. I would be affected by situations and lash out in negative ways and then beat myself for ‘Feeling’. I now know that all of this means that I am an empath who feels very deeply. So deeply, in fact, that it often equates to physical pain. And you know what? I LOVE THIS ABOUT MYSELF.

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7 Lessons We Can Learn From Going into the Wilderness

When you’re walking for six hours in a day, you’re granted the luxury of precious time to think. And I had a lot of thinkin’ to do – about my health as of late, about how I want my career to move forward, the habits in my life that contribute to my wellness (and lack thereof), about what I want the next steps to be in my relationship, about what I’m sorry for and who deserves an apology, about self-worth and confidence and integrity and motivation.

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Goal Hangovers, The Three-Way Balance and Librarian Fantasies

One day I was sitting in my fancy corporate cubicle about to cry and googled “Life Coach Seattle.” Guess who popped up – Miss Molly Mahar of course! That was 2012, when I took one of Molly’s courses which led me into the personal development/online business world. Fast forward to today, I quit the corporate gig and do the work I love that fits into my ideal lifestyle. It gives me the opportunity to help people and gives me the flexibility that I craved for my life.

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Two Truths Butting Heads and Finally, A Choice

For the last few years, every time I’ve gotten on a plane to fly away from my family, my heart aches. I am almost 30 years old, but I still find myself tearing up while I wait in the security line to fly back to California after Thanksgiving, Winter Break and Fourth of July weekend, knowing it will be months before the whole Brown clan is back together again and longing for just a few more days of drinking wine, playing cards, and watching TV with my favorite people. The truth is, I really love my family and desperately want to live closer to them.

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