Tearing Down, Building Up

I put up my maternity email auto-responder yesterday. While Tiny’s still hanging out in my belly — I’m ready for some breathing space from the day-to-day operations of Stratejoy.

Life’s been a whirlwind over here. Not in a necessarily in a bad way, but in a way that would previously have toppled me over in anxiety and insomnia.

(I’m definitely not sleeping well, but that’s got more to do with getting up to pee every 2 hours than stress! And yes, some pieces of life are causing me slight anxiety — choosing paint colors, trying to convince Ken to polish the cement exactly like my hair salon floors, agreeing on a boy’s name — but none of it’s major shit.)

Just whirlwind.

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Making Changes in Your Life? Here's the motherload of resources to help.

I believe honoring your life and your strengths means honoring your day-to-day actions and the personal choices you make with your time, energy and creative power. You can do all the visioning, desiring, action planning and big-hairy-goal-setting you want, but without the daily choice, habit or ritual to support those endeavors you are no closer to your vision.

The day-to-day can be decidedly unsexy. I get this.

But for those of us who geek out on self-awareness, systems, experimentation and personal transformation — The process of sustainable change (of using our day-to-day in honor of a larger goal) is fascinating!

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6 New Ways to Respect Your Own Time (and Honor Your Life)

There’s no getting around it.

Our day-to-day is our life.

I’m not being blunt to scare you or spread shame, but to shake you up a bit. When you think back to what you did today or yesterday or this weekend, are those days representative of the desires you hold for your life? Are they snapshots of the kind of woman you want to be? Are they examples of the kind of life you want to live?

Honey, what I want you to hear is this —

Honor your time as if your life depended on it.

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How I Actually Use My Theme of the Year (It's Revel BTW)

As I was sitting down to put some fun dates on the calendar for February (date night! massage!) I realized I never shared my theme for this year on the blog. Eek! I spend so much time working through this process and helping others through it with the Holiday Council, I think I just needed a little break from it in January.

But themes and ways of being and the expressions of those intentions are vital to how I live day by day, and since I’ve committed to sharing the very real “strategies for joy” I use in my own world, I knew I couldn’t just skip over my theme this year. Better late than never, eh?

(drum roll please)

In 2014, I’m living consciously with the word —

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Reflecting back on my 2013 Goals

As I get ready for this year’s Holiday Council (we start tomorrow!) I’ve been a spending a good chunk of time reviewing my work from last year’s Council.

Did I really embody my theme of “Nourish”? A few things became clear as I reflected back… I rocked spending play-filled weekends with my family, changing the majority of our food consumption to real food, and I blew my income goal away. Hurrah! That said, I didn’t even come close to establishing a daily yoga practice

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Talking Desires with Danielle LaPorte

One of my favorite parts of The Holiday Council is sharing the interviews I’ve been doing with inspiring women from around the web. This year I thought long and hard about who I wanted to talk to — I wanted women who seemed to manifest true magic in their lives, who had killer years, who were really embracing joyful devotion to their dreams.

So I made some big asks. And I got some big beautiful yeses.

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How Fighting For Your Dreams Actually Makes Them Come True

I was at a networking event in Seattle back in 2009, nervously peddling my “lifestyle design” workshop and my “conquering your quarterlife crisis” blog. Pretty damn broke, working for my boyfriend’s email marketing business part-time, and going through some bumpy times in my relationship —
I was feeling a bit like an impostor.

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Share Your Enthusiasm

A Strategy for Joy Video!  Hurrah! I’m celebrating my darling friend Michelle’s book* launch by giving you on the skinny on Enthusiasm.  Dig in and take on the challenge in the comments below! As adults, we tend to shy on the side of underwhelm. It’s not cool to be excited about the Steve Martin concert…

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How to Have Faith in Yourself After Failure

How do you keep faith in yourself and your dreams? What do you do when shit hits the fan?  When your well laid plans explode in your face?  When you don’t hit the mark, make your goal, meet your deadline or manifest your desire? What do you do when you feel like you are failing?…

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