Oprah, Gravestones and Progress Over Perfection
Who are you, sister? Tell us a little about yourself. Hey beautiful ladies! I’m Diana. I am a born and raised Jersey girl who spent her 20’s living all over the US. I’m now 33 and living in the Philadelphia area. I’ll be opening up a KIPP School in West Philly next year. In addition, I love all things involving yoga, the beach, beachbody, and Penn State!
Let’s do some one word answers. Ready, set, go!
Morning Drink? Shakeology
Indulgence? Pedicures
Lusting after? Can I say Jesse Williams??
Spirit Animal? Sea Turtle (Like that little guy from Finding Nemo)
Head Space? Overdrive
Heart Space? Grateful
Bloom of Choice? Gerber Daisies
Turn-on? Loyalty
Go-to Gemstone? Rhodonite
Celebrity Icon? Oprah
Favorite compliment? Positivity
What does practicing joy mean to you? Oprah has said, “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” I believe practicing joy happens every single day by being grateful for what you have. When I express gratitude for a beautiful snowy day, a student who has had a huge success, or for little things like fuzzy blankets – I find myself in such a better mental headspace. I find myself in the spirit of joy. I also find joy by surrounding myself with those who life me higher. Practicing joy is an ever-evolving practice centered in celebrating what I already have.
Biggest life lesson you’ve learned lately? I was listening to an interview Lewis Howes did with Lisa Nichols and I walked away thinking to things: Be the best version of yourself you can be. Being you is always better than being a copy of another. The other delicious nugget was that it’s my responsibility to “make my dash dance.” On my gravestone there will be a dash between my first day and my last day; the dash in between is what matters. Make. It. Dance.
Here’s the interview if you’re interested: lewishowes.com/podcast/lisa-nichols/
What’s your definition of success? Leaving the world better than you found it.
Name 3 things from your Life List that light you up.
- Owning a home by the beach. (It will happen!!)
- Becoming a certified yoga instructor
- Meeting Oprah and Brene Brown
What do you do when life gets messy? Oh, I have range of options I like to choose from. Sometimes I just cry to get it out. I like to talk to people: my therapist, friends, my leadership coach, my Elevate sisters, and family. If I need to push through, I press play on a workout or go to my yoga mat. And when I’m in a serious state, I’ll occasionally I’ll binge watch on Netflix for a day, or until I feel like I can “adult” again.
3 songs, 3 books, 3 Instagram accounts?
“Run the World” by Beyonce
“Want to Want Me” by Jason Derulo (Thank you Stratejoy Summer Camp!)
“Danza Kuduro” by Don Omar
Any book by Brene Brown (The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong)
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
What I Know For Sure by Oprah
@mollymahar (duh)
And I love people, so find me!! @diana.filo
How are you going to change the world? I truly believe that everyone is responsible for leaving the world better than they found it. Next year, I’ll be starting a school where students will be encouraged to take risks, make mistakes, and embrace their perfectly imperfect selves. By building that confidence and bravery early on, I know that the students in West Philly will change the world. I also believe that we cannot care for others until we take care of ourselves. (I believe this is especially true for women!). I hope to help even more women find that empowerment through yoga and my beachbody team. When you love yourself first, you have the capacity to love the world. #progressnotperfection
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
During my hard middle school years, my mother always said, “surround yourself with people who make you feel good.” This was the best advice I’ve ever received and I think that’s probably why I love this tribe so much!
Book That Made a Difference: Learned Optimism
Currently Obsessed: My NEW Nephew
Can’t Live Without: My Yoga Mat
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