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20 Things To Do In 2010
Last week I talked about how I hate resolutions, but dig themes. Today, I want to share the other piece that my New Year’s planning involved: 20 Things To Do in 2010.
My awesome sister came up with the idea and the format of organizing the list came from Andria, one of the gals in Club ReFresh. We decided our lists needed to be manageable, but still inspiring- pushing us a bit out of our comfort zone, while allowing us to totally make it happen!
The items are organized around some of my core values- the values I want my life to express. It was the best way to make sure I was taking a holistic (as in whole) view of my life as I created action items.
My challenge to you? Create your own list! It’s not too late!
20 Things To Do in 2010
Be Loving
- Marry the Big Man (Yay! Remember that a wedding is just the first day of a marriage…)
- Find my own Life Coach/Therapist/Counselor
- Develop a devoted daily meditation practice
Be Authentic
- Get another Tattoo
- Celebrate my 30th Birthday in a Big Way (October 6th if anyone wants to come party!)
- Test out being a vegetarian for a month
- Organize a backpacking trip (on Vancouver Island?)
Be Abundant
- Book 2 Speaking Gigs a month
- Create a functional work/art space (Inspiring. Spools of Ribbon and Stationary Collection a must)
- Launch stealth mode project for Stratejoy
- Write 2 eBooks
Be Connected
- Finish an entire personal journal
- Go on a silent Meditation Retreat (By myself!)
- Volunteer with kids/women/hospice
Be Adventurous
- Be a Door Babe at the Moisture Festival
- California Road Trip with Carolyn (must rent convertible for at least one day!)
- Do another triathlon
Be Creative
- Create 3 pieces of Art that I love
- Buy a camera and use it! (Flickr feed? 365 challenge?)
- Take 12 Dance Classes
A fun, fulfilling year lies ahead as I accomplish my entire list! Several of the activities will also cross items off my entire Life List. Woo Hoo!
How am I going to make sure it happens? I’m printing out the list and putting it on my fridge, writing them in my journal, and adding the items to my Joy Plan.
Even better? Post somewhere that others will see and ask you about your progress! Wall of your cubicle? Facebook page? Personal blog? DO IT.
Obviously, I’m declaring them here. To you, the grand old intraweb.
Next step? Map it out. Grab your calendar and figure out when you’re going to make it all happen!
I have several trips/specific activities that I need to schedule in or I’ll run out of time. I’m currently booking my items in my calendar and taking all the necessary steps to get there (register, plane tickets, saving money, etc).
I’m making it real because I am a woman of action. I jump in! I live life!
How ’bout you?
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