Jessie Harrold
Who are you, sister? Tell us a little about yourself. Hi! I’m Jessie Harrold, and I hail from Halifax, Nova Scotia, a small city nestled on the Atlantic Coast of Canada. I live with my husband and my two a-mazing (-ly crazy) kids, Ada and Max, and our dog Roxy.
I am a coach, doula, adventurer, and writer. My superpower, and my life’s work, is to support women who are going through transformative experiences – whether they are birthing a baby, a business, or an entirely new life for themselves. My work combines one-on-one coaching and doula work with women, teaching workshops and classes, leading retreats, and guiding women on empowering adventure experiences. I absolutely adore what I do.
Let’s do some one word answers. Ready, set, go!
Morning Drink? Loose leaf Lavender Earl Grey tea with honey
Indulgence? Cantonese pastries
Lusting after? A new commuter bike
Spirit Animal? T-Rex
Head Space? Learning
Heart Space? Authenticity
Bloom of Choice? Lilac
Turn-on? Multipotentialism
Go-to Gemstone? Rose Quartz
Celebrity Icon? My trifecta: Elizabeth Gilbert, Brene Brown and Danielle LaPorte
Favorite compliment? “You are going to change the world.”
Word / Theme of the Year? Seachange
What does practicing joy mean to you I’ve always loved Molly’s definition- the idea that presence and gratitude equals joy. That always really stuck with me. I would also add that I cultivate the conditions for joy by practicing surrender and flow, to the best of my little Type A self’s ability. There is joy in ease.
Biggest life lesson you’ve learned lately? I’ve learned – and am still learning – that striving to live a particular lifestyle doesn’t change who I am at my core; that wherever I go, there I am. I started my business with the goal of creating a career that would allow me exquisite flexibility, specifically, so that I could spend more time with my kids, more time travelling, and more time reading / hammocking / scuba diving (et cetera!). What I realized, after working myself to the bone, waiting for the day when my business would “take off” and I wouldn’t have to try so hard anymore, was that I was actually expecting my business to deliver me from myself. My overachieving, Ms. Strivey McStriverson self. The self that sometimes has a glint of imposter syndrome and a complex relationship with self-worth, both of which result in way. too. much. working. I have realized, and realize every day, that I am responsible for creating the life I want, and I am responsible for creating the business I want, but my business is not responsible for creating the life I want.
What’s your definition of success? Right now, my definition of success is freedom and personal autonomy. For me, this means being able to follow my heart and my curiosity when it comes to what, when, where and with whom I do my work.
Name 3 Things from your Life List that light you up? When my daughter starts school, I want to be able to walk her there, and to be waiting for her at home with fresh cookies from the oven when her day is over. (well, maybe not cookies every day – but you get the gist). The other two life list items that make my heart flutter and my toes curl are my plans to one day see Dave Matthews Band play live, and to make a solo pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago.
What do you do when life gets messy? I go visit Mother Nature, and I move my bod. It’s my instant cure for the crazies. I can never decide whether it will be the ocean or the woods that soothes me, but I always feel the pull of the earth.
3 songs:
“Breathe” by Alexi Murdoch
“Everybody Got Their Something” by Nikki Costa
“The Early Days” by Old Man Luedecke
3 books:
Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
3 Instagram accounts:
What has been your favorite journey? Motherhood, hands down. I didn’t think I wanted to be a mother; I had quite the adjustment period to the concept of motherhood during my pregnancy with my first child. Little did I know, I was on my life’s path – the path toward truly understanding and supporting other women through a transition that doesn’t get nearly enough credit in our society. Mamas are my tribe, now, and motherhood is my calling, both my own journey of motherhood and the fact that supporting mothers has become one of the focuses of my career.
How are you going to change the world? Through systematically and lovingly applied disruption and compassion. I like to break rules that are no longer serving the highest good, to shine a light on injustice and hold space for those who need safety, comfort, companionship, and support.
Book that Made a Difference
The First Forty Days by Heng Ou.
Currently Obsessed
Anything I can get my hands on about Hawaiian spirituality, including these amazing oracle cards.
Can’t Live Without
My scarf collection, my integrity, my witchy essential oil / herb / crystal collection. Oh yeah and my kids, right? Yeah, them.
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