Thinking About The Food, Relocating To France and Rocking Dreads
Who are you, sister? Tell us a little about yourself. I’m Gaia and I currently live in Copenhagen, Denmark with my two roomies. I’m an actor – I think I was born that way. I’ve always been an entertainer and a storyteller. Hell, my mom always says that when she would put baby Gaia down for a nap, I would spend a lot of time making noises, as if I was in a hurry to learn how to speak, so I could tell all those stories.
I love all things creative. Making music, sewing, crocheting, drawing and painting, making jewelry. I read a lot and I am also a closet geek. I not-so-secretly love comic books and Xbox.
I think my superpower is my ability to find positivity in negative situations. For instance, about a year ago I lost most of my belongings in a fire which was a devastating experience. But one that I am also very grateful for, because there is something incredibly liberating about being able to fit everything I own into a suitcase.
Let’s do some one word answers. Ready, set, go!
Morning Drink? I always start the day with a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed organic lemon juice
Indulgence? Brunch at Simple Raw, a rawfood café in Copenhagen, new skincare products, new books or binge-watching Netflix
Lusting after? A Steinway grand piano! Oh yeah, and a home to put it in!
Spirit Animal? Orca
Head Space? It’s a little messy in the attic, but there’s a lot of fun and interesting knick-knacks hidden in the boxes
Heart Space? Ever-expanding
Bloom of Choice? I love Gerber Daisies in any color!
Turn-on? Musicality, generosity and laughing from the gut
Go-to Gemstone? I currently love my pink agate, my snow quartz and my apache tear
Celebrity Icon? I admire women like Kristen Wiig, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler because they have done, and are still doing, so much for women in comedy.
Favorite compliment? “You’re full of light”
What does practicing joy mean to you? Practicing joy means giving thanks daily by expressing my gratitude for everything I have been given on a daily basis. It means basking in all positive experiences and allowing myself to enjoy them to the fullest. It means being aware of the beauty around me in all its forms and expressing my love for the many wonderful people I have been blessed to have in my life. Practicing joy for me is also about acceptance of negative emotions when they occur and being willing to listen to them and receive their message. Understanding that all feelings have value and that they are my greatest compass in life. And it means trying to be a beacon of light in this world and leave a positive mark for the short time I am here by doing my best to spread love and joy to everyone I meet.
Biggest life lesson you’ve learned lately? The Universe has had quite a lot of lessons for me lately, but I think the most important one, and possibly what all the other lessons really also boil down to, is being called to trust. Trust that anything is possible, trust that the Universe has my back and sends me everything I need, trust that I am loved and that good things are coming and that I deserve good things. And most importantly that I must trust myself, my instincts, my abilities, and not let other people deter me from my goals with their negativity or limited views on what is possible in life. Trust in the magic of life!
What’s your definition of success? I think I’m still trying to define this for myself. Honestly, my life has really not turned out the way I always imagined it would so for a long time I struggled with the feeling of being unsuccessful and a failure in all areas of life. However, throughout the last couple of years I have come to realize that maybe I felt that way because I was comparing myself to other people, instead of just being me and doing what felt right for me. I have always done things differently and each day I’m learning to love, appreciate and embrace that more and more.
I guess that’s my definition of success: To live life in a way that feels right to me without being concerned about other people’s opinions or what is considered the norm.
Name 3 things from your Life List that light you up!
Travelling the world – mostly to warm places with beautiful beaches but also not-so-warm places.
Working internationally – I would love to work as an actor outside of Denmark as well. Working on making that happen!
Adopt a puppy – still getting over the loss of my last dog, so not ready yet but one day I will be ready.
What do you do when life gets messy? I try to see the positive lesson in whatever mess I’m in. I might call a friend or my mom to get another perspective on the situation. I try to find calm by meditating or going for walks in nature. I allow myself to cry if I need to, I try to accept the emotions that are there and respect the process. And then I might use my medicine cards for guidance or new perspectives.
3 songs, 3 books, 3 instagram accounts?
“Here” by Christine and the Queens
“Rome” by Susanne Sundfør
“Sunday Candy” by Donnie Trumpet & the Social Experiment
Anything by Neil Gaiman
Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk
Alice by Christina Henry
@Ellimacssfx (I have a secret obsession with sfx makeup)
What are you doing in an alternate universe? I am rocking some mean dreads, I sport more tattoos and wear tie-dye flowy garbs in earthy colors, all made from hemp.
I have relocated to Pézenas or Eus, my two favorite towns in the south of France, where I own a gallery, a new age bookstore or a little boutique with handmade jewelry, bags and all things hippie as fuck.
I love this alternate universe! I might do it when I get old. I could rock grey dreads, fo’ sho’!
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? “Just think about the food.”
At first read this may sound like the weirdest piece of advice, but let me explain. Years ago a friend of mine gave me this piece of advice when I was about to get on a plane for the first time. I was absolutely terrified to the point of panic, but I was going to my favorite place in the world, the South of France, and there were so many other places in the world I wanted to go, so I knew I had to do it. So my friend told me to think about all the delicious food I was going to eat once I arrived at my destination instead of focusing on my fear – and it worked.
I did cry most of that first flight. But it got me aboard the plane and it has helped me in other situations since. Now every time I’m feeling anxious or fearful of something I have to do, I always try to focus on something positive on the other side of that situation. Instead of focusing on the fear, I look beyond it so and then it doesn’t seem so bad.
Book That Made A Difference: Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger (specifically “Teddy”)
Currently Obsessed: Whoopi Goldberg’s words, “An actress can only play a woman. I’m an actor. I can play anything.”
Can’t Live Without: Jamie Sams Medicine Cards
Want more of Gaia?
Check her website or find her on Instagram (@gaiamaria) and Twitter (@GaiaMJorgensen)
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