A Flower-Loving Funny Girl On Her Favorite Journey with a Full Heart
Who are you sister? Tell us a little about yourself. Hi! I’m Allison, born in raised in the Seattle area. (Okay, that’s a total lie. I’m a California-born gal, but Seattle has my heart).
I am recently engaged and currently in love with all things wedding planning.
As a Type-A public relations professional, I am always on time everywhere I go (and by on time, I obviously mean early) and I usually have every summer weekend planned out by the end of Spring. When I am not at work or hustling with my side gig as a stylist for Stella & Dot, you can find me exploring a new area of the city with my fiancé and friends or checking things off of my 30 before 30 bucket list.
Let’s do some one word answers. Ready, set, go!
Morning Drink? Iced Coffee. Always. Even in 4-feet of snow.
Indulgence? Roses
Lusting After? Sunshine and summer vacations
Spirit Animal? Amy Schumer
Head Space? So many changes are happening in my life right now. New job, planning my wedding, attempting to get back into shape (who am I kidding? I need to get into shape first to be able to get “back” into shape). Change is good, but my head space has reached capacity for now.
Heart space? Even after the busiest of days, I come home to a loving fiancé, an amazing apartment in a city I love, the support of my friends and family and my heart feels so happy.
Bloom of Choice? I’ve had an obsession with sunflowers since I was a kid and wore sunflower overalls and a jean jacket with sunflower patches all the time (yeah… totally happened. I miss the 90s). But, I just love flowers in general. Buy me flowers, and I won’t leave you alone for weeks.
Go-to Gemstone? My diamond ring. Ok I don’t know much about gemstones. I like pretty things.
Favorite Compliment? When someone tells me I’m a good friend (and have a great sense of humor).
What does practicing joy mean to you? Setting aside time to reflect on the wonderful things in life and always finding time to celebrate, even the little things. Practicing joy also means avoiding talking about negativity and dwelling on anything. It means saying “no thanks. I’m not going to let [what that person said/did, stress at the office, etc.] affect me today.”
Biggest life lesson you’ve learned lately? No one cares about the small details, just the experiences and how it made them feel. (Remember, I’m wedding planning!). Also, always read a contract in full. Those little suckers can be tricky.
What is your definition of success? Having passion in what you do every day.
3 things from your life list that light you up?
Stratejoy Summer Camp!
Getting married to my amazing partner in crime and eventually bring a little baby into this world (or two…)
My own Eat, Pray, Love experience (Okay, just eat. I want to travel and eat good food).
3 songs, 3 books, 3 Instagram accounts?
“When I’m Alone” by Lissie
“No One’s Gonna Love You” by Band of Horses
“Novacane” by Frank Ocean
Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman
Rising Strong by Brene Brown
It’s Not Okay by Andi Dorfman (I’m a big Bachelor fan)!
@heygorgevents – Event planner extraordinaire, where I get my wedding dreams!
@samsonthedood – I am obsessed with this goldendoodle
@allisonmilton – And mine, obviously.
What do you do when life gets messy? I hug those I love very tightly, and always remind myself of the things in my life that make me feel blessed, and remind those close to me how much they mean to me. I also take a hip hop dance class (and embarrass myself in doing so), pour myself a giant glass of wine, then watch Friends, while quoting the entire series.
What has been your favorite journey? I have never been much of a sappy person and often avoid hard or emotional conversations by using humor instead (remember when I said my spirit animal was Amy Schumer?), so this year I have been really focused on standing up for myself, having an opinion on things I feel passionate about and being open and honest with myself and others.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. Life is too short to spend your time doing things that don’t fuel your fire. I used to be a Yes Man and then one day I was just like “Nah thanks. I’m going to think about me today and that’s not something I feel like doing.”
Word of the Year: Free
Book that made a difference: I finished Carry On, Warrior by Glennon Melton earlier this year and just felt so many things reading that book. My fiancé would come home and I would be sitting on the couch reading, laughing and hysterically crying at the same time.
Currently Obsessed: Working out with ClassPass, everything wedding related, and TheSkimm.
Can’t Live Without: My car. I love being able to just take off for a weekend and start driving. It’s also a super cute Kia Soul.
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