Posts Tagged ‘self love’
Self Care vs Self Comfort: What do you really need?
When “self-care” turns into nights spent curled on the couch with cupcakes watching entire seasons of old shows, you may be walking a fine line. When the delicious solo glass of wine on the porch turns into the bottle and late night ex-texting, you’ve thrown your care under the bus. When rewarding yourself with a shopping trip becomes the only way to lift your spirits, your pampering is becoming dangerous.
When caring for yourself turns into distracting or numbing or avoiding, it’s time to pause. It’s time to check in with yourself — what are you really craving in those moments?
Read MoreThe ABC's of Self-Love Free Guide
I Believe in the Transformational Power of Adoring Ourselves. And the gorgeous women who contributed to this FREE GUIDE do to! As you probably know, I spent two weeks in February hosting a Fierce Love Blog Crawl to start a lively conversation across the internet about the meaning and practice of self-love. Before you? The 74 page aftermath of this experiment…
Read More12 Rules of Inner Confidence
WANT TO RULE YOUR WORLD? Life gets easier when you genuinely feel an inner confidence. Not cocky self-absorption or a fake-it-til-you-make-it attitude, but true comfort in your skin, radiant openness with others, and an understanding of your uniqueness. You are amazing, babe! It’s time for you to own it. Read on for the 12 Rules of Inner Confidence.
Read MoreSelf Love: I am Enough. And also, You are Enough.
Part of this authentic joy we talk so much about seems to start with truly believing and owning the fact that “I am enough”. It wasn’t something I thought too much about at the beginning of Stratejoy. I thought that our current situation, the current status of our life, was a base level to start with, to improve upon.
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