Posts Tagged ‘big dreams’
How Fighting For Your Dreams Actually Makes Them Come True
I was at a networking event in Seattle back in 2009, nervously peddling my “lifestyle design” workshop and my “conquering your quarterlife crisis” blog. Pretty damn broke, working for my boyfriend’s email marketing business part-time, and going through some bumpy times in my relationship —
I was feeling a bit like an impostor.
How Courage Can Help You Face Your Fears
Dear Courageous One,
I know you have a secret dream, something bigger and bolder, something more precious, than you are attempting in your life right now.
Maybe it means making a huge change — a move, a relationship, a journey, an exodus from your social circle. Maybe it means allowing your creative soul — the writer, painter, chef, photographer, teacher — to blossom, to share her take on the world with those desperate for a slice of beauty. Maybe it means sticking up for yourself, forgiving yourself, loving yourself with such purity that the ideas scares you off before you even begin.
What are you afraid of my love?
Are you scared that you will fail?
Read MoreStarting Over (and over and over)
Each day is a chance to start over. Each moment is an opportunity to bring yourself into the present moment, releasing the anger about the past or the anxiety about the future. Each new sunrise gives you the openness of a new day, a day you can deliberately choose to live in support of your dreams or not.
Read MoreStratejoy Manifesto Part 1: Let the Inspiration Spark
[Welcome to a 4 part Blog Post on the philosophy behind Stratejoy. We’ll hit Inspiration, Clarity, Accountability & Camaraderie over the next 2 weeks. Stay tuned & if you like–share with a friend or two!] First a nod, a salute & whooping cheer for the inspirational speech delivered today. “In reaffirming the greatness of our…
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