Finding Myself When I Was Lost

It was four years that I wore suits to work, expensed fancy lunches, and worked my tail off as a sales manager at a sexy boutique hotel. It was four years ago that I admitted what I thought I wanted felt hollow and unfulfilling.

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The Trick to Saving Your Own Life

My business is dedicated to helping you figure out your definition of success. Why? Because getting really fucking clear on your definition of success is insanely useful. You know what and where to aim, and you can celebrate your own path instead of continually comparing yourself to someone else or getting sidetracked by the next shiny object.

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All We Have Is Now

“All we have is now. If it doesn’t drive you, or delight you, stop doing it right now, and start doing something you love. If there’s someone who inspires you, let them know. If there’s someone you love, tell ’em. You have absolutely NO time to waste.” -Birdie of Bonne Vie

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My Quick Life Story in Video

I made this video for a contest for which I missed the deadline. Shite. Thought you all might want to hear about my liberal parents, pole-vaulting recruitment, favorite places around the world and the inspiration behind Stratejoy!

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Operation Celebrate Life

Hey lovely sugar pops. Molly here. Grab a cup of tea and hunker down for this long post! I want to try something a little different today, so hang in there. I want to try being completely transparent, instead of adopting my “I’ve got all my ducks in a row and am incredibly happy and pulled together and that’s why you should listen to what I have to say” blogging expert voice.

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How Travel Healed My Quarterlife Crisis

A trip around the world was my self-prescribed solution to my Quarterlife Crisis. It seemed like escape from my world, escape from my job, escape from the traditional path, was the only thing that would help me reconnect to myself. I spent the first 3 months of my trip decompressing and the last 7 months designing my life.

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