It's Time
Let's hit reset on your world with 6 weeks of clarity + action.
Life on your terms? Hell yes!
The Joy Equation Course is a 6 week digital course for women who want more — more love, more freedom, more fulfillment, more joy.
I imagine you landed on this page because you’re feeling disconnected with yourself or frustrated about your situation. You feel stuck. Off your path. And somehow simultaneously overwhelmed and underwhelmed by life.
Maybe you’re craving something more, but you’re not sure what that actually looks like.
Perhaps it’s been building for a while or it suddenly hit you —
The real world? Being happy? Accomplishing anything that feels meaningful? Just making it through the day with a sense of humor and your self-worth intact?
Fuck. It’s harder than you thought it would be.
And a lot of the time, you’re not sure if anyone else gets it. Because nobody is talking about it. And they’re definitely not posting about it on Instagram.
Let me assure you, honey — you are not alone in this experience.
And there is absolutely something you can do about it.

Living a life you love is revolutionary
Since 2010, 1,608 women from 39 countries have hit the reset button on their lives with a healthy dose of self-reflection, bravery and commitment by working through The Joy Equation Course.
And now — after 8 years of honing my craft with hundreds of clients — you’re looking at the revamped version of my signature course!
The Joy Equation is still an inspired mash-up of positive psychology, coaching, and general kick assery — with more in-depth writing prompts, refined exploration tools, two entirely new steps, and loads more stories of success.

During a time in my life when the world seemed to be spinning faster than I could grasp, Molly showed me how to slow down and savor the moment. She helped me rediscover my true dreams and, in a way, meet the real me for the first time.
Through my work with Molly, I have created a life filled with passion and fun. I am truly aware of my wants, needs and values. I have set real, measurable goals that I KNOW I can achieve.
And, most importantly, I now have the confidence, attitude and tools to never sell myself short from living the life I deserve. Looking back, I am so proud of how far I’ve come and I know that I couldn’t have made a better investment.

My journey with Stratejoy began because I wanted to “go, decide, produce, push”. As a newly minted entrepreneur with a lot of ideas, I was anxious to improve my efficiency and get things moving!
Little did I know these weeks would totally alter my outlook.
The support system we created, and the reflection you encouraged combined to soften and strengthen me in a big, big way.
I’m not much for asking for help, acknowledging my wishes and feelings, or slowing down with intention, but thanks to Molly and Stratejoy, I’ve been learning how to do all three.

Molly came into my life at a time when an unsatisfying and defeating job had me feeling worthless and unmotivated.
After working with Molly, not only did I have a specific direction to take my new job search in, I was enthusiastic about the process and more confident in my abilities and myself than I ever had been before.
Molly provided me with accountability and helped me to create a constructive and active learning and development plan. She pushed me to ask and answer the right kinds of questions to help me learn about myself; who I am, what makes me smile and what I need in a job and career in order to feel motivated, happy and fulfilled.
what is the joy equation?
The Joy Equation is a 6 step guide offering tools and inspiration to get clear on who you are, identify authentic life goals, and start turning your big dreams into reality.

My hope is that this course and these 6 steps remind you that YOUR JOY is worthy of your attention and that YOU are worthy of joy.

I just finished my Joy Equation Course, and let me tell you, it’s better than any counseling session out there. I would not say I had hit rock bottom, but I definitely needed some support.
The course is more than life coaching — Molly is working with you to reframe, reshape and redesign your life and in turn, bring out the best in the years to come. It’s a real gift.

The Joy Equation helped me get through a postpartum slump and helped me find clarity and peace within my life. I re-focused on my purpose and now know what I am meant to do with my life. The program helped me focus on my values, my passions, and how to use that information to create a clear vision for my life.
I knew I needed to start my own business, and Joy Equation helped me figure out just what that was going to be about.

I found the Joy Equation course at the perfect time. I was in a transition period, nearly six full months into a Quarterlife Crisis and I didn’t know how much I needed Joy until I found it.
I finally found myself taking time for me, sorting my priorities, and getting in touch with a version of myself that I hadn’t known for a long time. I felt refreshed, rejuvenated, balanced, full of goals, and ready to tackle my 20s again.
is this course for you?

You’ve come to the alarming realization that “this” is not where you thought you’d be by now. “This” was supposed to make you happy, but it doesn’t. “This” causes you to cringe when the alarm goes off in the morning and you wake up with a pit of dread in your stomach. Perhaps “this” makes you feel guilty because your life looks fine on the outside, but it feels wrong on the inside.
Maybe you feel like you should be grateful for “this” and you are, but you also know there is something more or something different for you out there.
Guess what, honey? There is a silver lining to your discomfort.
The Joy Equation
There is a special gift in those times in our lives where we are questioning everything, when our entire world seems to be disrupted. There is a certain level of honesty about what is and what isn’t working in our life when we are at a moment of change.
(Change is my nice word for the hurricane that occurs when you wake up one morning, realize you don’t recognize yourself or your life, start guzzling wine and end up chanting “What the f*ck happened to my life? Why do I feel so alone? What did I do wroooooong?”)
Moments of change give you permission to question everything. To start over. To find a new path because the one you’ve been traveling is leading you in circles.
When life as you know it is simply not working — big, positive, sustainable change is a necessity.
And YOU — with bolstered awareness, integrity and faith — are the one who is going to make it happen.

The Joy Equation Course is here to guide you through the process. It’s like hitting a soulful, clarity-fueled, courageous reset button on your experience of life.
There are so many different moments of change we experience in our life.

Graduating college, getting married, newly pregnant or new mama, major break up, death in your family, huge career change, moving cities, new business owner, or empty nester.

Quarterlife crisis, midlife crisis, questioning your faith or sexuality, feeling stuck in other's expectations for your life, desiring something more from your life, or any form of existential crisis.

Whatever your moment of change, the process of questioning, honoring, creating and committing is the same.

When I started the Joy Equation, I had just made some big life changes. I was excited, yet scared. At that point, I knew I needed to spend time mapping out my plans — to get real about what I wanted. So, I committed myself to the course.
Now, I can honestly say that every minute I spent working through the Joy Equation was worth it. The exercises helped me get real about my values, my goals and my dreams. They encouraged me to ask questions, to not take things for granted. In the process, I learned a lot about my motivations. And the outcome was a detailed plan to help me accomplish my goals.
The Joy Equation has been a great way to get my goals front and center in my life. In fact, I still carry my workbook with me everywhere. I can’t recommend it enough!

Several years ago, I left an emotionally crippling job and took off on a three month backpacking trip across the country. Traveling was harder than I thought it would be, proving the cliche but oh so true-ness of “wherever you go, there you are.” Constantly on the move, the only solid thing during the first month of my travels was The Joy Equation.
Going through this course put me in touch with myself at exactly the right time, gently challenging me to think about who I am, who I want to be, and what I have to do bridge the widening gap between the two.
The Joy Equation inspired me without being preachy, made me think without being overwhelming, kept me interested without requiring a huge time commitment, and stayed fun all the way through. I couldn’t recommend this Course, or Molly, any more strongly.

I remember being in our two-bedroom apartment with a 2 year-old and an infant, desperately trying to find my way back to me. I had Molly’s voice in my ears, the workbook in my hands, and as much clarity as my new mom brain and heart could hold.
When I look back on all that I’ve managed to accomplish over the past 5 years, I always give thanks for Molly and The Joy Equation. Working through the course invigorated a piece of me that I had forgotten existed. It helped me rediscover my passion for writing, community, and creativity. It gave me the support and inspiration to begin to live life for me again because I saw how vital it was for not only me, but for my whole family, that I seek out and stay connected to my joy.
This is what started it all for me. I can’t thank Molly enough.
what’s included?
The Joy Equation Course is on demand digital course made up of four essential components:

Every day for 6 weeks, you’ll get an inspirational email from me — I’ll be writing about that week’s step and offering a daily prompt for you to journal about. That’s 42 insights from me and 42 probing questions for you to explore!
Why use email?
I find that delivering these journal prompts in bite-size chunks to a place you already check every day actually helps you DO THE COURSE. And that’s my great hope for you!
And of course, these prompts will also be available to you inside our Membership Headquarters once you purchase the course.

Once a week, your 90 minutes audio session will unlock in Membership HQ so you can complete that week’s exercises.
The audio sessions are designed to be interactive guides to your Joy Equation Workbook — you’ll hear me explain each activity and writing assignment and give you time to complete it right then and there. The audio sessions are my chance to share my knowledge, tell stories from my own life, and support you through this process.
(Fair warning — I love visualization exercises and can’t manage get through a session without belly laughing and swearing.)
There will be six 90 minute audio sessions — one for each week of the course and step of The Joy Equation.

The Joy Equation Workbook is a gorgeous guide ready to be filled out with your answers, brainstorms, artwork, personal explorations and notes. I recommend downloading and printing it out because it’s what you will sit down with each week to complete your audio session.
The Workbook will serve as your record of all the contemplation and insights from our 6 weeks together.
You’ll use it to explore each step in the Joy Equation, house your weekly challenges, and hold all your “aha” moments and clarity.
I still hear from women who took the Joy Equation years ago and say their Workbook has become one of their personal treasures — a reference book on who they are, what they want and why it’s so important.

At the end of each audio session, I’ll go over a final project and exploration challenge for you to complete over the next week. You may be asked to instigate a conversation, create art, take a photographs, try something brand new that pushes your comfort zone or finalize a piece of your personal Joy Equation.
These optional challenges give you the chance to practice what you’re learning out in the “real world.”
I highly recommend that you gather your courage and apply your new knowledge through these challenges!
buy the course

Six weeks of inspirational journal prompts delivered via email to expand on each step of the Joy Equation
Your Joy Equation Workbook, an inspirational action guide that will hold all of your explorations.
Six 90 minute downloadable audio sessions that guide you through the questions and activities in your Workbook
Optional exploration challenges to complete out in the "real world" to deepen your understanding each week.
The Joy Equation


If you’re craving a reset button on your life — one full of clarity and forward movement — this is your chance.
By following this 6 week framework to organize your big thinking and make intentional decisions, you can stop spinning your wheels. You can stop feeling overwhelmed by all the choices. You can stop letting your life zoom right by you without any deliberate action. You can stop questioning your choices, stop letting others’ remarks sway you and stop doubting yourself.
Completing this course will you give the inspiration and tools you need to make the changes and choices necessary for your joy, your fulfillment, your version of success.
It’s a big promise. And I stand behind it completely.
If you actually do this work, babe — I can assure you you’ll experience a renewed sense of love for yourself, for your life, and for your future dreams.

Get ready for big questions and big clarity. Inner motivation and inner alignment. Wild dreams and wild synchronicity.

The Joy Equation made me set aside time each day to reflect and think for me, about my life — and no one else. That was really hard!
After the first few days, though, I noticed a difference in the way I went through my day-to-day activities and loved it so much that I even got friends involved in the course.
If there is anything I have learned throughout this process, it’s the importance of setting aside time to learn about myself. I also discovered I don’t have to go through anything alone. There are other ladies out there just like me — all a part of Stratejoy!

The Joy Equation reintroduced me to myself. Going into the course, I felt disconnected from my true self. It felt like I was holding my breath. Throughout all of the journal prompts, I was able to really dig into how I was viewing myself and certain aspects of my life in a real way. It was equal parts eye opening and comforting; I felt like I was creating a roadmap of my life.
I cherish my workbook because I poured everything into it and felt guided and able to explore all of the nooks and crannies of my life without judgment. I created an understanding of where I was currently at and I really tapped into where I want to be and what kind of support I need to get there.

Through The Joy Equation, I realized what was missing for me is TRUST. To trust myself to make the right choices. And then right after that my future self told me to trust myself and my decisions and trust in life’s journey every step of the way. Not only that but trust has been one of the words I had been throwing around for my last core value.
I can’t even explain it. It couldn’t have been a clearer sign if it had hit me in the face. What a fantastic way to end my vacation where I was left considering major life moves/changes, and jump back into this course feet first!
additional details + FAQs
The Joy Equation is a 6 step guide offering tools and inspiration to get clear on who you are, identify authentic life goals, and start turning your big dreams into reality.

I’m Molly Mahar and I’m obsessed with the intersection of community, authenticity and joy. I’m also the founder of Stratejoy, a positive corner of the Internet that provides thousands of women inspiring + useful strategies to prioritize joy in their own lives.
I’ve been teaching, coaching, writing and speaking for the past 9 years about JOY. I know the ins-and-outs of creating a life based on your own terms instead of external expectations because I’ve done it!
But getting to that sound bite took a lot of work and I’ve gone through several of my own moments of change to arrive here…
how The Joy Equation was born

In 2007, I was feeling lost, confused and totally alone in my misery. I coped by drinking wine, bitching, moping, feeling like a failure, and then — finally, finally doing something about it.
Being rather dramatic, I sold everything I owned and set off with my boyfriend Ken to backpack around the world. I wanted to figure out where I’d gone wrong and how to get back on my true path.
I filled 3 journals, ate a ridiculous amount of street food, learned how to meditate, reconnected with the part of myself that loved to teach/inspire/lead and committed to helping other women create joyful lives on their own terms.
We came home after 10 months of backpacking — broke, happy, zenned out and luckily, even more in love. As we settled back into the groove of life in Seattle, I started a little blog called Stratejoy to start talking about the kinds of things I was experiencing. I knew other women must be feeling the same way!
And though I couldn’t recreate my trip around the world for others, I knew the “personal work” I had done while I traveled — the process of thinking, writing and designing life in a fresh new way — could be done anywhere, at any time. With the right questions, exercises and support, I could help women push that reset button on their life.

Women like YOU.
As long as you’re ready to invest the time and commit to honesty, you can gain clarity. Forward movement. Trust in yourself and your capability. And yes — joy.
In 2010, I poured my heart and soul into creating and sharing The Joy Equation Course.
how The Joy Equation was revised
As I dedicated myself to promoting joy, I was experiencing it in my own life. I started teaching and coaching. Ken and I got married. We traveled around the US for four months — living out of our car, exploring our beautiful country, and meeting up with women from my online Tribe to gather in person whenever I could. In 2011, we moved to San Diego to soak up some sunshine and pursue a business opportunity for Ken. I got pregnant pretty much immediately and had a sweet baby boy in 2012. And then bam! I experienced another huge period of questioning in my life as I settled into the role of Mama.

With a husband who was working 14 hour days and without my Seattle support system, I felt alone and overwhelmed and in the throes of another moment of change.
And of course, right as I was struggling to find joy and balance as a work-at-home Mama, my business was taking off! I sold out my very first Elevate Mastermind when Max was 5 months old.
Stratejoy had finally turned into a thriving online business after several years of hard work and many moments of doubt and fear. I was living my dream of helping other women examine their lives and choices in the context of joy and making a great living doing it.
But as a family, our values of freedom and authenticity were being challenged.
Time to re-examine things… Again.
Sensing a pattern here?
This was the point I really understood that life is a series of transitions, taking responsibility for your own happiness and making heart-based course corrections, over and over again.

In 2013, the three of us moved to the small central coast town of San Luis Obispo to hit an important reset button on our lives. Less crazy working days, more time outside in the ocean and hills. Less commuting and big city pressure, more simple adventures, yoga and winery picnics. Less desire to keep uprooting ourselves, more community building and depth.
We bought a tiny beach house and had a darling baby girl named Juliet. Ken and I dedicated ourselves to making our home a beautiful retreat, raising our babies with presence, and doing our best work in our respective businesses.
That’s where I’m at right now — settling into this season of life, joyfully and mindfully.
And lucky you! Part of making sure I was being of service in my business was climbing in my creative cave to overhaul my signature course, The Joy Equation.
In addition to adding two entirely new steps to The Joy Equation — Develop Fierce Self-Love and Nurture Strong Relationships — I also re-recorded all the audio sessions, revised the journal prompts, and designed a new Workbook. Plenty of the content, challenges and prompts are the same because they are still awesome and useful (like core values, future you vision, slices of life) but others have been refined and deepened to reflect the knowledge I’ve gained over the last 5 years.
I absolutely trust in this Course’s transformative powers and I’m thrilled to relaunch it into the world, revised and refreshed.

The Joy Equation
Call this process reinvention, self-discovery, or personal development — it doesn’t matter to me.
I’m here to guide you through it all with a good dose of humor, a lot of exclamation marks, and the occasional calling out of bullshit.
(Just like always!)

Every time I work with Molly, I feel both ecstatic & driven to become better than I am. With Molly’s signature e-course ‘The Joy Equation’, she doesn’t hold back on the gentle, kind and loving way she delivers her magical style of creativity!
Molly provides both a supportive and encouraging community, creative and thought-provoking questions, as well as weekly activities that challenge your perspective on how you feel about yourself, your goals, intentions, and how your perspective effects the world around you.

When I started this journey I did not recognize myself as a leader or a teacher, but I came to see those valuable parts of myself through this course. The Joy Equation learning experience has ignited in me a need to share all I’ve learned, and to build it into something bigger in my own life and in the lives of others.
As the days went by and I kept doing the work, my little flame began to burn a bit brighter! People near me told me I had a new kind of blushing radiance. I have goals to complete and a direction to follow as a newly confident woman whose motto is “Radiate and Shine!”

I signed up for the Joy Equation when I was feeling stuck and – worse, much worse – alone. I had opted out of grad school, something I’d always wanted, for an unsure future writing. I needed a boost, something to remind me that I am capable and worthy just as I am.
The Joy Equation became just that!
Six weeks of self-reflection, self-love, and reassurance was just what I needed. I cannot recommend this course enough for anyone at any stage in their journey.
The Joy Equation