Day 5 of the Joy Challenge: Declare Goals, Develop Habits

The pursuit of worthwhile goals is one of the few things you can to that markedly improves your life satisfaction. And the development of powerful habits helps support that worthy pursuit.

When you feel like you’re just going through the motions — fearful of making any change, bored by the path you feel stuck on, or scared that you’ll never actually accomplish anything — declaring goals that are in alignment with your authentic self can awaken your spirit.

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Day 4 of the Joy Challenge: Nurture Strong Relationships

No woman is an island. Including you, sweetness.

We all crave belonging. We all have a deep desire for intimacy with our partners and our close friends. We want to feel connected to a community of like-minded people. We yearn for healthy relationships with our families.

Why? The journey becomes easier when you have found your people.

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Day 3 of the Joy Challenge: Define Success

Welcome to the 6 Day Joy Challenge!  Are you ready to refresh your sense of self? To remind yourself that joyful living is totally within your reach? In celebration of launching the new and improved Joy Equation Course, I’m challenging *YOU* to start prioritizing joy in your life.  For the next 6 days, I’ll be rolling out a new step…

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Day 2 of the Joy Challenge: Connect With Yourself

If you stripped down to the very base of yourself – if we took away your job, your bank account, your schooling, your relationship status – who would you be?

Do you have any clue?

Answering this question can be incredibly hard. I get it, love.

You wear so many masks during your day and try so hard to please other people, that your own desires, preferences and unique strengths get overlooked. And pretty soon, you forget what those desires, preferences and unique strengths even are!

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Are You Up for the 6 Day Joy Challenge?

You guys! I haven’t exactly been keeping this a secret, but I’ve spent the last month in my creative cave updating and expanding my favorite Course of all time — The Joy Equation. It’s almost ready to be revealed to the world…

In celebration, we’re going to have a little fun here on the blog with a Six Day Joy Challenge!

After all — It’s Your Life. Your Choices. Your Joy.

No need to sign up anywhere — just check back on Wednesday for the kick off day. For each step of The Joy Equation there will be an introspective journal prompt and a exploration challenge to photograph. Taking part is absolutely free and the perfect way to kickstart a joyful summer!

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Letting Go of What Other People Think

Letting Go of What Other People Think

I have no idea who said or wrote this quote, but I love it. Your opinion of me is none of my business. It’s my mantra when I’m trying to extricate myself from doing *something* in the world in order to earn my gold star or avoid judgement. It’s my mantra when I let fear…

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There are No Magical Answers and 3 Questions Worth the Work

I’m sorry to break it to you, love, but there are no magical answers.

You’re stuck because you keep waiting for the path to be illuminated from above. You’re stuck because you’re looking for the way forward to be labeled steps one through ten, for the breakthrough to be found in the very next book you read, for the certainty to be bestowed upon you by an expert.

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Making Changes in Your Life? Here's the motherload of resources to help.

I believe honoring your life and your strengths means honoring your day-to-day actions and the personal choices you make with your time, energy and creative power. You can do all the visioning, desiring, action planning and big-hairy-goal-setting you want, but without the daily choice, habit or ritual to support those endeavors you are no closer to your vision.

The day-to-day can be decidedly unsexy. I get this.

But for those of us who geek out on self-awareness, systems, experimentation and personal transformation — The process of sustainable change (of using our day-to-day in honor of a larger goal) is fascinating!

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6 New Ways to Respect Your Own Time (and Honor Your Life)

There’s no getting around it.

Our day-to-day is our life.

I’m not being blunt to scare you or spread shame, but to shake you up a bit. When you think back to what you did today or yesterday or this weekend, are those days representative of the desires you hold for your life? Are they snapshots of the kind of woman you want to be? Are they examples of the kind of life you want to live?

Honey, what I want you to hear is this —

Honor your time as if your life depended on it.

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How I Actually Use My Theme of the Year (It's Revel BTW)

As I was sitting down to put some fun dates on the calendar for February (date night! massage!) I realized I never shared my theme for this year on the blog. Eek! I spend so much time working through this process and helping others through it with the Holiday Council, I think I just needed a little break from it in January.

But themes and ways of being and the expressions of those intentions are vital to how I live day by day, and since I’ve committed to sharing the very real “strategies for joy” I use in my own world, I knew I couldn’t just skip over my theme this year. Better late than never, eh?

(drum roll please)

In 2014, I’m living consciously with the word —

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